The Indian River State College Dual Enrollment program allows eligible public, charter,
private and home education students to simultaneously earn high school credit (toward
their high school diploma) and credit toward an Associate Degree or career training
certificate for an eligible course.
Through IRSC Dual Enrollment, eligible students get a jump on college, saving both
time and money. Dual Enrollment students are exempt from application fees, tuition
and laboratory fees, and public, charter and home school students receive required
textbooks at no charge.
College course materials and class discussions may reflect topics not typically included
in secondary courses. College courses will not be modified to accommodate variations
in student age and/or maturity. Parents should review the course syllabus before enrolling
their student to determine if the content is age appropriate. All IRSC course syllabi
may be accessed and reviewed at
Follow these steps to begin the Dual Enrollment admissions process:
- Meet with your high school counselor to obtain your GPA, and discuss credits needed
for high school graduation.
- Complete the application for admission. On the Applicant Profile page, complete the fields as follows:
- Academic Level = Associate
- Student Type = Dual Enrollment
- Program of Study = Dual Enrollment
- Program Focus = choose the track you intend to follow
- Anticipated Start = choose the semester that you intend to begin taking classes
- Campus = select your current high school
- After you submit the application, the Applicant Home page will display again.
- Access your application to upload and submit the Dual Enrollment Program Agreement (Form 508). For private and home education students, the form must be signed by high school
- Take the P.E.R.T., or submit official college placement scores (ACT® or SAT®) that
are no more than two years old.
Congratulations!—You are now admitted into the Dual Enrollment program.
Required textbooks are provided at no additional cost to public high schools, charter
high schools, private schools, and homeschool students.
- Textbooks for public high schools are provided by the School Districts and must be
returned at the designated time each semester. Check with your high school guidance
counselor for more information.
- Textbooks for home school students and private school students are provided by IRSC
and must be returned to the IRSC Bookstore at the end of the semester.
For questions regarding textbooks, please contact your high school or district or
the IRSC Bookstore.
Indian River County
Vero Beach High School
Laura Attwood
(772) 564-5531
Sebastian River High School
Michelle Funnell
(772) 564-4234
Martin County
Dual Enrollment Library
1150 SE St. Joseph's Avenue
Stuart, FL 34996
Okeechobee County
Jean Sherlock
(863) 462-5025 ext. 2006
St. Lucie County
SLPS Book Depot
331 NW Commerce Park Drive
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986
Amabel Morales
(772) 336-6970
Additional steps for Home Education Students and Private School Students not using
the DEAN System:
- Complete and submit the Dual Enrollment Registration (Form 68) to the nearest IRSC campus. Forms must be signed by the student and the high school
designee, and parent or legal guardian (if the student is under 18 years of age).
- Home education students must also complete the Home School Dual Enrollment Agreement and provide proof of enrollment in a home education program from their local school
district, pursuant to Florida Statutes 232.02(4). Home School Dual Enrollment Agreement Updates are made annually and can be found by
clicking here.
- All Private school and Home education students must return their textbooks and the
accompanying components by the published deadline for each term to the IRSC Bookstore.
All books must be returned to the Massey Campus Bookstore. Please see the Dual Enrollment
Calendar on the Indian River State College Dual Enrollment webpage for important dates
and deadlines.
2024-25 Book Store Return Dates
Fall 2024
Monday, Dec 9th - Thursday, Dec 12th, 2024
Spring 2025
Thursday, April 17 - Friday, April 25, 2025
Summer 2025
Monday, August 4 - Friday, August 8, 2025
Failure to return books by the published deadlines, will result in a hold on your
registration and a charge against your account.
Next steps required prior to registering for classes:
- Check your email for an activation link to MyPioneerPortal to access your Workday student account for registration, RiverMail, Blackboard and
- Log in to MyPioneerPortal to access Workday. Then select the Academics worklet and check the Registration Requirements area. You must satisfy all the items listed in the Registration Requirement sections
prior to registering for classes.
- Meet with your high school counselor to determine appropriate first semester courses.
Note that SLS 1101 is a required first course for college-credit seeking students.
(View Dual Enrollment course listing.)
- Register online in Workday, accessible through MyPioneerPortal.
View the Application Tutorial
This online guide will walk you through the Dual Enrollment application process.
Attend A Dual Enrollment Information Session
Eligible students may take Dual Enrollment courses, free of charge, at any of the
five IRSC campuses and at many Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie County
high schools. Attend an upcoming information session to get started.
Return to an Application to Upload Documents
To log back into your application and upload any required documents, return to the IRSC Admissions Application site and sign into your account using the Sign In button at the top right corner
of the page with the credentials you created when you submitted your application.
Once you’re signed in, select the Associate-level application under Admissions. You’ll
see your submitted application under Your Applications—click on it to see actions
required and upload any required documents.
For additional help with the application process, visit the IRSC Applications page.
Check to See if You Can Register for Class
Log into Workday, click on Academics worklet and check the Registration Requirements area. Once all actions are completed
(no pending Actions or Holds), you will be clear to register for classes.

When and where may Dual Enrollment courses be taken?
Dual Enrollment courses may be taken before, during or after school, or during the
summer. They may be offered at the high school or College.
How many high school credits are awarded for Dual Enrollment courses?
Typically, six postsecondary semester credit hours earned through Dual Enrollment
will equal one high school credit. However, for several Dual Enrollment courses, three
postsecondary semester credit hours will equal one high school credit. Students should
check with their guidance counselor for information regarding how Dual Enrollment
courses apply to high school graduation requirements.
How are Dual Enrollment courses weighted?
Many college-credit Dual Enrollment courses are weighted the same as honors and advanced
placement courses when grade point averages are calculated. See your high school guidance
counselor for details. State universities are not required to weight Dual Enrollment
credit in calculating grade point averages for admission.
Are all courses eligible for Dual Enrollment?
No. The following are ineligible for Dual Enrollment:
- Career Training preparatory instruction
- College preparatory instruction
- Other forms of pre-college instruction
- Physical education and recreational studies that focus on physical execution of skills
rather than the intellectual attributes of an activity
- Private music lessons
What are the three types of Dual Enrollment?
Academic: Students may simultaneously earn high school credit toward a high school
diploma and college credit toward an Associate or Baccalaureate Degree. Students studying
at IRSC may be part-time or full-time. To enroll in academic coursework, students
must successfully complete an entry-level examination as required by Section 1008.30, Florida Statutes. For the purpose of this agreement, ACT®, SAT®, and/or P.E.R.T. scores are acceptable.
Early Admission: Highly qualified high school students may enroll full-time in college
and simultaneously earn high school credits toward a high school diploma and college
credit toward an Associate or Baccalaureate Degree. Students must have completed,
prior to early admission, a minimum of six semesters of full-time, secondary enrollment
(grades 9-11). Eligibility criteria (see Academic section above) also applies to Early
Career/Technical: Students may simultaneously earn elective high school credit toward
a high school diploma and career/technical credit toward an Associate Degree or Technical
Certificate. Students studying at IRSC may be part-time or full-time.
Will Dual Enrollment courses transfer to other colleges and universities?
Dual Enrollment college credit will transfer to any public college or university offering
that course with the same prefix and number and must be treated as though taken at
the receiving institution. However, upon high school graduation if students do not
attend the same college or university where they earned the Dual Enrollment credit,
the application of transfer credit to general education, prerequisite and degree programs
may vary at the receiving institution.
What skills do I need to become a successful Dual Enrollment student?
The most successful dually enrolled students are self-directed and have strong communication
skills and adequate reading and writing skills, are good test takers, and have the
ability to understand classroom materials. They commit the appropriate amount of time
to each class. Dual enrollment students
- immediately ask for help
- exhibit patience and persistence
- show signs of maturity and responsibility
- understand how to utilize a computer
- complete work on time or before it is due
- adhere to deadlines without reminders from the instructor
- work independently without reminders from the instructor
- exhibit self-discipline.
What about grades?
Courses offered under Dual Enrollment are postsecondary courses; therefore, all assignments
and exams will be college-level and will be graded on a college-level basis in accordance
with all appropriate IRSC policies. Under the IRSC grades and records policy, final
grades for each term are recorded and preserved. Grade reports are sent to students
at the end of each semester. Grades are no longer mailed to students.Throughout their
studies at IRSC, Dual Enrollment students must maintain a minimum unweighted grade
point average of 3.0 for college credit courses and a minimum unweighted grade point
average of 2.0 for Career Training clock-hour courses.
What about withdrawals?
IRSC permits withdrawal from a course without receiving a grade penalty provided the
appropriate IRSC deadlines are followed. Students who withdraw from a course cannot
take additional Dual Enrollment classes until they have retaken and completed that
course and filled out a Dual Enrollment Course Repeat Authorization. In addition, financial-aid eligibility may be impacted in the future.
Are Dual Enrollment students eligible for Financial Aid?
Students who are taking Dual Enrollment classes at IRSC are not eligible for federal
financial aid since financial aid recipients are expected to have earned a high school
diploma. It is important; however, to note that your efforts in Dual Enrollment classes
may have an effect on your future financial aid eligibility. (See Satisfactory Academic
What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?
Financial aid offices in every college in the country are required to keep track of
every student's academic progress. This measurement is called Satisfactory Academic
Progress (SAP). SAP at IRSC has three requirements. All of these requirements are
cumulative and therefore consider all college-level classes a student has attempted,
including high school/college Dual Enrollment classes.
Maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average (GPA): The GPA calculation will include
all of your classes. Each grade is assigned a value as follows: A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1,
and F-0. When you receive your final grade, that grade value is multiplied by the
number of credit hours for that course, and this number is added to similar results
from all your other courses. Then that sum is divided by the total number of credit
hours you have taken. This is a Grade Point Average (GPA). You must maintain a minimum
of a 2.0 or "C" average to remain eligible for financial aid.
Satisfactorily complete at least 67% of the credit hours: The completion rate percentage
is calculated by dividing the number of credit hours completed by the number of hours
attempted times 100. For example, consider a student who enrolls in six hours and
completes only three hours. That student has a 50% completion rate (3 divided by 6
times 100). It is important that students choose courses wisely so as not to withdraw
or fail in their coursework.
Complete degree/program in no more than 150% of the normal time allowed: The total
attempted credit percentage calculation is the total number of credit hours attempted
divided by the number of hours in the student's program times 100. For example, an
Associate in Arts (A.A.) Degree is sixty hours in length. Students will not be eligible
for further financial aid after they have attempted more than 90 hours (90/60 times
100). If you take courses which do not count toward your degree, or if you withdraw
or fail courses, you may find yourself in this situation toward the end of your degree
What are Dual Enrollment instructional requirements?
Students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes at IRSC are assured of the same standards
of instruction as in all other college classes, including academic practices and the
collegiate learning environment.