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IRSC Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

IRSC Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

October 18, 2019 Robert Lane

Indian River State College (IRSC) celebrates the diversity of Hispanic culture each year during Hispanic Heritage Month—which culminates with the IRSC Hispanic Heritage Celebration. Hosted Friday, October 11 in the Kight Center Atrium, this year’s event, “A History of Serving Our Nation,” shared inspirational stories, music, dance, fashion, food, and more—highlighting the rich diversity of Hispanic culture in our local community.

Natasha Serra, Owner of Trans4Mind, LLC, served as the evening’s keynote speaker. Her company, Trans4Mind, specializes in coordinating the needs of human service agencies and the needs of the individuals they serve. Serra earned her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Organizational Management from IRSC and is a passionate human services advocate with a proven track record for thinking creatively on how to match and leverage resources to implement projects.

During her presentation, Natasha shared the story of her family’s flight from Cuba during the Cuban Revolution. Arriving in the United States, Natasha’s family started businesses, gaining success through their hard work and perseverance—and a generation later, that dream has inspired Natasha to achieve her goal of launching her own company.

"We live in a nation that has benefited from many hard working immigrants, and as a result, we have a rich blend of faces from many different places,” shares Natasha. “Since the past is based on the decision(s) of our ancestors to migrate for freedom—as well as those who fought to make this a land where its sovereignty is the people’s will—as Hispanics, we must value the ability to be free to continue to carry on these rich traditions.”

The celebration also highlighted and recognized IRSC students who engaged themselves in worthy projects to advance the Hispanic community.

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