Salute to Contemporary Broadway: The Music of Stephen Schwartz
Massey Campus, McAlpin Fine Arts Center (Building T)
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Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone: 772-462-4750
Talented IRSC Musical Theatre performers will present a Summer Cabaret with a focus upon the music of contemporary Broadway and film composer Stephen Schwartz. Schwartz’s creative work includes the musicals Godspell, Children of Eden and Pippin. Movie credits were added along the way including Disney's Pocohontas and Prince of Egypt. But perhaps his best-known contribution to date, is the smash hit, Wicked. These shows and more will be featured in our “Salute to Contemporary Broadway: The Music of Stephen Schwartz”. This is a free event. No tickets are required. The event will be held on the lawn in front of the McAlpin Fine Arts Center. Seating will not be provided, so please bring a lawn chair or other form of outdoor seating.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
IRSC Box OfficePhone: 772-462-4750
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