CANCELLED: Kid Space: Sky Show for Young Astronomers
Massey Campus, Hallstrom Planetarium (Building N)
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Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone: 772-462-4772
This event has been cancelled. In lieu of a refund, ticket holders can automatically donate the value of their ticket to the College. Ticket holders requesting a refund should contact the box office Monday through Friday by sending email to or by calling 772-462-4750 or 1-800-220-9915.
Thank you for understanding as we seek to maintain the health and safety of our community.
Visit the Hallstrom Planetarium at 11:00 a.m. on select Saturdays for Kid Space. Children ages four to 12 are taken on scientific voyages of discovery to learn about the stars; constellations; moon; planets and explorations of outer space. All adults must be accompanied by at least one 4-to-12-year-old child.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Other Dates For This Event:
IRSC Box OfficePhone: 772-462-4750
Website: Click to Visit
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