Distinguished Lecture Series: A Healthy Diet - What Do We Know and What Is Just Hype
Chastain Campus, Wolf High-Technology Center (Building C), Johnson Auditorium
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Stuart, FL 34997
Phone: 772-419-5600
Is fat bad for you because it causes heart disease, or is it the carbohydrates in our diets that are bad for us? Should we buy organic foods for better health even though the prices are higher? Are you confused with all the food and nutrition information out there? You are not alone. Dr. Sarah Booth will discuss how nutrition advice offered to the public can sometimes border on the absurd and how best to navigate the information to achieve a healthy diet. Dr. Booth is the Director of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University, and Senior Scientist and Director of the Vitamin K Laboratory at the HNRCA.
The series is $150 for new and returning members. Lifetime members and peer leaders can subscribe for $100.
The Distinguished Lecture Series is presented in partnership by the Indian River State College Foundation and the Ray and Peg Hirvonen Charitable Foundation. Speakers and offerings are subject to change based on speaker availability.
Thursday, January 09, 2020
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Fielden Institute for Lifelong LearningPhone: 772-462-7880
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