POSTPONED: Project Easter Smile
Massey Campus, Health Science Center (Building H), Dental Clinic, Room 222
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Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone: 772-462-4772
Update: Project Easter Smile has been postponed until further notice. Thank you for understanding as we seek to maintain the health and safety of our community.
Smile a little brighter this spring with help from IRSC at the second annual Project Easter Smile event. Visit the IRSC Dental Clinic for free dental care on Friday, March 13, from 8 a.m. to noon. Services are reserved for adults and are limited to one procedure each that does not require a follow up visit, such as fillings or extractions. Cleanings are not included. Care is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Non-perishable food donations will be accepted for the Pioneer Pantry, which serves students in need at every IRSC campus.
IRSC instructors and students will be accompanied by local dentists including Drs. Al Bucaj, Scott Elliott, Emilio Martinez and Joe Thomas, to provide this free gift to the community.
The IRSC Dental Clinic is located in the Mary L. Fields Health Science Center, Room H-220A, on the Main Campus at 3209 Virginia Avenue in Fort Pierce.
For more information call the Dental Clinic at 772-462-7524.
Friday, March 13, 2020
IRSC Dental ClinicPhone: 772-462-7524
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