CANCELLED: Arduino III Bootcamp - Game Programming: July 20-23
Massey Campus, Brown Center (Building Y), Room 208
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Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone: 772-462-4772

This event has been cancelled. Thank you for understanding as we seek to maintain the health and safety of our community.
Students ages 12 to 17 have the unique and unparalleled opportunity to learn about game programming at the upcoming Coding with Arduino Bootcamp hosted by LASER-TEC at Indian River State College (IRSC). The Arduino Bootcamp starts April 1 and meets weekly through May 6.
Arduino Bootcamp students will journey into a world where C++ and Java collide. Under the guidance of educators who are well-versed in electronics, programming and inquiry-based education, students will learn to develop electronic circuits to control software. They will engage in activities such as turning retro games into real-life functioning models; replicating theme songs from retro games; producing a virtual Etch-A-Sketch; creating a rotating SONAR device that resembles technology used on submarines; forming an electronic circuit that senses and reproduces color; and designing a game similar to the classic arcade game, Arkanoid.
The Coding with Arduino Bootcamp takes place on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. from April 1 through May 6 in the Brown Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship on the IRSC Main Campus at 3209 Virginia Avenue in Fort Pierce. Cost for the Bootcamp is $225 and includes a customized, complimentary kit valued at $100, which participants take home.
For more information or to register your child visit, call 772-462-7074 or email
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