Arduino and Python Coding Online Bootcamp
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Arduino and Python Coding Online Bootcamp
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
September 8 - October 15, 2020
5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
online via Zoom
For more information, visit
Keep learning during these turbulent times. Learn modern electronics and coding from safety of your home and skills that will lead to high paying essential jobs!
Ages 13-17
Register at:
Cost: $155. Includes an Arduino Kit that students can keep after the program is finished
Requirements: Students must have access to a computer with internet access and a web camera.
The class is limited to 15 students
During this emerging technology boot camp students will be introduced to the basic components of electronics and computer coding in the Python programming language as it related to electronics. They will learn about and create simple electronic circuits using LED’s, LCD Screens, and an Ultrasonic sensor. Students will also learn to program those circuits to complete a defined task o build their own circuits and their own basic programs using the Python Programming language.
For more information, email
Tuesday, September 08, 2020
$155.00Save this Event:
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