ONLINE: Advising Information Session
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IRSC advisors help you identify your learning style, academic strengths and career interests; recommend academic and campus resources; answer questions about your degree; encourage you to build relationships with peers, staff and faculty; and serve as an important source of support all the way to graduation.
Jump on a free, online information session with IRSC representatives to learn about assigned advisors, academic planning and standing, registration processes, and more.
By computer:
Dial-in (attendees using this PIN appear as anonymous callers in the session):
+1-571-392-7650, PIN: 4187085989
Participants are welcome to join and exit the online session at any time. Registration is recommended at
For more information visit, call 772-462-4772, or email
Thursday, October 01, 2020
Other Dates For This Event:
IRSC Information Call CenterPhone: 772-462-4772
Website: Click to Visit
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