FAU Transfer Workshop - ONLINE ONLY (12-1pm)
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Are you interested in transferring to Florida Atlantic University? Claudette “Cici” Robertson, Associate Director of Admissions for FAU will be hosting virtual Transfer Workshop Sessions. She will be providing information on the application process and deadlines, scholarships, Link to FAU, online programs, Transfer Student Services, Financial Aid, Career Center, and Housing.
Join online any of the dates and times below to learn how to become OWLFFICIAL! If you cannot attend a session, contact Cici at crober54@fau.edu.
Session link: https://fau-edu.zoom.us/j/83764061453?pwd=ZkxMbmZqTTl6SFI1UTR0cEZFNExWUT09
- Meeting ID: 837 6406 1453
- Passcode: aje&4B
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Ave Schwerer-RolfesPhone: 772-462-7066
Website: Click to Visit
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