Star of Wonder
Massey Campus, Hallstrom Planetarium (Building N)
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Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone: 772-462-4772
What was the mysterious star that guided the Magi? Could it have been a comet, a meteor or a supernova? How might an astronomer explain it? Find out as we take the Planetarium back in time more than 2,000 years to recreate the skies over Judea. Star of Wonder has been a family holiday tradition since 1993.
Tickets are only $5 and can be purchased online, in person at the IRSC Box Office, or by phone 30 minutes prior to showtime, subject to availability. Visa, Discover, American Express and Mastercard are accepted. Call 772-462-4750 or 1-800-220-9915 for additional ticket details.
Planetarium shows are recommended for adults and children over the age of ten. The air temperature is maintained at 72 degrees. You may wish to bring a sweater or light jacket.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
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Jon BellPhone: 772-462-7515
Website: Click to Visit
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