'Reimagining Nursing'
Pruitt Campus, Building G, Room 105
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Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Phone: 772-336-6200
There’s a critical need for more nurses in Florida. According to the Florida Hospital Association, by 2035, the state will have 59,100 fewer nurses than it requires. In direct response to this workforce crisis, on Tuesday, December 14, Indian River State College will announce plans to double the number of graduates in its nursing programs and launch the construction phase of a project that moves the IRSC School of Nursing to its Pruitt Campus in Port St. Lucie by Fall 2022.
The event will feature renderings of the facilities, nursing simulations, a meet-and-greet with IRSC nursing students and faculty, and addresses from Nancy Hilton, M.N., R.N., NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer, St. Lucie Medical Center; Robert Lord Jr., President, Cleveland Clinic Martin Health; and Dr. Timothy Moore, President, Indian River State College.
Those interested in joining IRSC at the “Reimaging Nursing” event should R.S.V.P. to Nina Jewett, Pruitt Campus Coordinator, at 772-336-6210 or njewett@irsc.edu no later than Monday, December 12.
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