MARS Watch - See the Red Planet!

Massey Campus, Hallstrom Planetarium (Building N) View Directions to the Venue Directions WeatherView Venue Weather Location DetailsView Venue Profile

3209 Virginia Ave
Fort Pierce, FL 34981

Phone: 772-462-4772

Mars is at opposition on December 8, 2022, when Earth passes it at roughly 40 million miles. We then will be the closest to it, and it will appear at its biggest and brightest! Members of the Treasure Coast Astronomical Society ( will host guided views of Mars and its features at the Hallstrom Planetarium, weather permitting. These events are FREE and open to the public.

Planetarium shows are recommended for adults and children over the age of ten. The air temperature is maintained at 72 degrees. You may wish to bring a sweater or light jacket.

Saturday, January 14, 2023


Jon Bell
Phone: 772-462-7515
Website: Click to Visit



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