Pioneer Connections
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Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone: 772-462-4772
IRSC Student Engagement & Leadership invites you to join in.
Pioneer Connections, My Pioneer Story – Adobe Express Series, 12:15-1:15 p.m. Attend your nearest campus location to participate (Massey Campus, KSU-209; Chastain Campus, A-111; Dixon Hendry Campus, B-Atrium; Mueller Campus, D-147; Pruitt Campus, J-111)
Pioneer Connections is a college-wide initiative that has been built around our class time blocks, giving our students that time to CONNECT, COLLAB, and GROW! Our goal is to connect our Pioneers to the people (both students and employees), resources, and opportunities here at IRSC. Pioneer Connections are sponsored by the IRSC Foundation and led in partnership by the Student Engagement & Leadership Team and the IRSC Libraries.
For more information, contact or
We hope to see you there! #IRSCProud
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Monday, October 03, 2022
Student DevelopmentPhone: 772-462-7788
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