STEM Pioneer - Leap Lab Florida/USDA Joint Project Presentation
Massey Campus, Brinkley Science Center (Building N), Room 135
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3209 Virginia Ave
Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone: 772-462-4772
STEM Pioneer Sponsored Event: Leap Lab Florida/USDA Joint Project presentation “Need for Community Vegetable Gardens, ASD Technique”
Guest speaker: Dr. Jason Hong, Research Soil Ecologist
Leap Lab Florida and the IRSC LEAPers Club have replanted the IRSC community garden.
You are invited to learn about a novel sustainable method to manage plant diseases.
Leap Lab Florida and the IRSC LEAPers Club have invited Dr. Jason Hong, USDA/ARS, to speak on Anaerobic soil disinfestation: manipulating the soil microbiome to protect plants.
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