Florida SBDC Network Small Business Success Summit 2023
Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort
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Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
The FSBDC Network invites all small business owners to mark their calendars for the highly anticipated 2023 Small Business Success Summit. This empowering event will take place at the Westin in Fort Lauderdale on August 2-3, 2023. The summit is designed to equip small businesses with the necessary resources to break new barriers and foster success and growth. Expect an engaging lineup of keynote speakers, along with over 20 breakout sessions tailored to address the specific needs of small businesses. The summit will also offer ample networking opportunities, allowing attendees to forge meaningful connections and walk away with invaluable strategies and contacts to propel their business to new heights.
To learn more about this event, refer to the attached press release and flyer or visit our website at https://floridasbdc.org/success_summit/. Share this invitation with your networks and spread the word among fellow entrepreneurs and business owners. For any inquiries or further information, contact Katie Muldoon.
Register or pay: https://floridasbdc.org/success_summit/
Wednesday, August 02, 2023
Katie MuldoonPhone: 772-336-6285
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