Financial Aid Workshops Set for November and December at IRSC
Financial Aid Workshops Set for November and December at IRSC
October 24, 2022 Jon Pine
FORT PIERCE—Indian River State College (IRSC) will hold 10 Financial Aid Workshops in November and December for new, current and Promise students who are returning for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters.
The workshops will be held in the Career and Transfer Center, Room 104 in Building W, on the Massey Campus, 3209 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce.
Workshops are scheduled for 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on November 8, 10, 14, 16, 28 and 30, and on December 6, 8, 12 and 14. IRSC Financial Aid staff members will answer questions and help students apply for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Students need to bring Social Security numbers for themselves and parents, driver’s license, alien registration or permanent resident card, student and parent 2021 W-2 forms and other records showing money earned in 2021, student and parent 2021 Federal Income Tax Return, and untaxed income form for 2021 (if applicable).
There is no fee for this workshop and no need to register beforehand. For more information, contact the IRSC Financial Aid Office at 772-462-7450 or email